03 Feb an evening with tim Quinn…
Moochin’ About are very excited to announce our next ‘An Evening with..’ event, this month our guest will be, Marvel comic writer, Mr Tim Quinn…
Tim entered the comics industry in the 1970’s working at various times as an a writer, artist and editor for British publishers DC Thomson and IPCbefore, along with artist Dicky Howett creating Earth-33 1/3 and its bizarre inhabitants for Marvel UK and US in the eighties….
Tim also worked in the music business and has tales to tell of encounters with Alice Cooper, Brian May, Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones and the odd Beatle to say nothing of heading behind the Marvel scenes with the one and only Stan Lee! He will also be reading out Stan’s final piece of work, written especially for the children of the world.
He will be joining us at Moochin’ Sunday, 15th March and besides talking all things from Marvel to Dr.Who, he will be playing the soundtrack of his life – a collection of tracks that have had most impact on his life…
enquiries, please contact iman@moochinabout.com
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